How to Write Test Cases: A Step-by-Step QA Guide

I’m using some assumptions and also the information that is available on the official website to base my requirements from. Test the interoperability of the pencil with several other items. Verifies the print paper result with a predefined Pencil 2HB RGB values with the image RGB values. If the eraser sleeve needs to be disassembled for easy writing, adhere it back to the eraser with glue or tape.

Also, to estimate the future actions based on the test metrics and provide feedback to the concerned team and stakeholders about the current testing process. Test case management tools are deemed necessary for managing a stable release cycle. They help develop a level of transparency where everyone knows who is working on what. They can also be used for tracking deadlines related to a bug fix and a lot more.

Benefits of writing high-quality test cases

When I kick-started my testing career, I failed to realize the thin margin between writing specific details and writing ornately. I used to write stories in the field for test case descriptions. I thought it would be impressive to fill the description as much as possible.

However, before we deep dive into the lessons for writing top-notch test cases, let’s start with the importance of test cases. Who would’ve thought that creating test cases for a pencil was so much work yet so much fun. If you do use this example then you may want to consider a positive and negative test scenario where the eraser works and doesn’t work. You can use the above examples and extend this to pencils such as water colours. You might want to read my article on how to write a test case if you need some guidance. Below are a list of functional and non functional test cases for a pencil that you should add to your test plan.

How to Write Test Cases: A Step-by-Step QA Guide

The activities involved in testing software applications are gathered into the Software Testing Life Cycle. It reflects a systematic way of planning a test to ensure the application's quality. You can get an idea of the test conducted for the functionality of the software application when it is required for retesting after any changes are made. Additionally, if you are given any application to test, testing cases will allow you to ensure that the new tester does not miss any test scenarios.

Realizing the acceptance criteria is imperative to writing effective test cases. Acceptance criteria is a condition that validates whether the software is working as intended with respect to the end-user. There have been times when I found a bug in a random scenario, and when I tried replicating it, things didn’t happen as I planned. That is when I realized that even test cases could depend on other test cases.

However, the issue still persisted, resulting in a panicky situation. Then we realized that the users facing inconvenience had test case for pencil one thing in common. They were either using outdated IE browsers, or they were using android from a specific mobile vendor.

  • I’m using some assumptions and also the information that is available on the official website to base my requirements from.
  • Every website has to work seamlessly on multiple device-browser-OS combinations.
  • You just have to affix small notes on it to help you answer the questions you know the teacher will ask in the test.
  • If a single test case has too many test steps to complete, the focus and goal of the test case may be lost.
  • Gather functional requirements and functional specifications of the system.
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